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60 sec update

salam Reader

a simple thought I want to share with you today:

Halal investments generally earn more, not less, than traditional ones. If you're earning less, something's gone terribly wrong.. (Proof)

now to the 60 second recap covering everything we've been building for you the past few weeks:

brand new landing page ✨

have you seen our new site?

bug fixes, faster loading charts 🐞🔫

we launched an all-out assault on bugs and absolutely nuked a bunch of them.

the biggest bugs we took out were those preventing you from seeing charts for funds that weren't cached, as well as that painfully slow spinner of death.

charts are much snappier now👇

trade confirmation emails

you now get trade confirmations whenever you place an order. we're also working on releasing a notification settings screen 🔜

..and more:

  • Fix: rebalance recovery in case of failed orders
  • Added stock icons to Fund Holdings
  • Allow cancelling investments placed outside market hours
  • Filter activity types
  • Animate open/close of activities
  • Show market open/close time (h/t Hussain)

got an idea? hit reply with your suggestion and we might just build it!

Founder, Fund Purifier

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Earn more, while investing in line with your faith. We share updates twice a month, with a list of all the things we've released. Join below 👇

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